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15th Anniversary Xpand Special Offer For Upgrades – Up to 15% Off

Dynamics NAV
Upgrade Request

Get a quote in 2 steps!

In order to produce a quote for you, we need to understand what exactly you expect from the upgrade. By answering questions at Step 1 you will provide all the information we need. At Step 2, we are asking you to provide us with Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects so that we could identify customization, add-ons, and localization(s) installed in the database. You will notice that we ask for two sets of objects: source objects and customer objects. The customer objects file is what you have in your customer database. The source objects file is something that you want us to use as a basis for comparison.

If you feel like providing additional input, please use the Comment section. We would love additional information! The more you provide, the better start we will have! Looking forward to your request!

You may rest assured that all the data transfers are made via a secure connection. Additionally, we guarantee that received data will not be used for a secondary purpose or disclosed to any third party.

Step 1

Project Information

Contact person (name, e-mail, phone number)

Technical Information

Source database

Target database

Code/Object Upgrade

Upgrade of objects:

Modified flag handling:

ISV add-ons, integration, and external handling:


New development


Checking Code for Compliance to Best Practices

Test Data Upgrade

Preparation of Live System for Upgrade

Upgrade of Live System

Format of Delivery

Step 2

Please consider the following example when providing objects. For example, your customer uses Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 and would like to upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017. After installation of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 database for the customer, there was a cumulative update 6 installed on the customer database, which means that the source objects file you may want to submit to us would be a set of objects from a clean Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 + CU6 database. The customer objects file would consist of all the objects from the customer's database. By comparing these two sets of objects, we will immediately exclude a lot of changes in standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV from the upgrade, because it’s not necessary to take them into account.

Files must be in *.zip 50Mb or less.

Customer objects file
